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Annual Report 2015.
MD & CEO Mr. OGUNMOLAJI LAWRENCE Letter to Shareholders
What Makes us Unique

  Solid Capital Base

  Steady Growth in Face of Stern Economic    Storm

  Tested and Trusted Staff

Our Services
 Save for School
 Asset Financing
 Savings Account
 Agric Loan
 Business Loan
 Local Purchasing Order
 Online Payment
 Over-Draft Security
And Lots More

Skill Acquisition Programe

Agricultural Mentorship Programme

SMEs Seminar 2016

Open Account Online
Request for Loan


Employing adequate capital, continuous enhancement of capacity, up-to-date technology and motivated workforce for development of customers' business to attain customer satisfaction and impressive return to all stakeholders.


Since 2002, we have been active in providing loan to farmers, micro entrepreneurs and small income earners to help them meet up to their expectations.


Products and Services

Loans    |    Savings    |    Investments

© 2019 AMOYE MFB.